streda 30. novembra 2011

ding dong

Sweet memories, they always appear with Lula developing her films -). It always feels so good to travel in time... especially into times like these:

Exploring Bratislavas rooftops and rainbows

nedeľa 27. novembra 2011

Sebastien Montaz

People are amazing and do awesome things. He comes from French Alps, he is an extreme sportsman and shoots amazing (!!!) films. Mr. Montaz :) shows what incredible things human beings can do! He gained all his artistic skills by himself: "Passion, curiosity and patience will be far more valuable as tools than expensive cameras.". Impressive & Insipirng :) !!!

nedeľa 13. novembra 2011

What gives me creeps ...

Change your heart Look around you Change your heart It will astound you I need your lovin' Like the sunshine Everybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeChange your heartLook around youChange your heartWill astound youI need your lovin'Like the sunshineEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometime Everybody's gotta learn sometimeI need your lovin'Like the sunshineEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometimeEverybody's gotta learn sometime

sobota 12. novembra 2011

nerdy weeks are passing through

Shame on me and my nerdy weeks that have passed since I wrote the last post.Well, i ll behave and try to do this ... and even in a better way. My studies are now extremely busy and during the past weeks university library has become my second home. I really needed couple days off, so i just went home (real home :) and now I spend days with my family and friends... Ahhh feels so relaxing... Getting energy for the next period of nerdy weeks.... Look at me I almost feel like Wolowitz :D in my flannel :D Anyway...

Have a nice day

Cheers *
(English sense of humor :)