Do Hong Kongu sme dorazili okolo desiatej honkongskeho casu (asi o 3 nasho casu). Let bol dost unavny a dokopy sme naspali maximalne asi nejake tri hodinky za 24 hodin. Na letisku sme vyriesli vsetky dolezite veci ako octopus card (carta na ktoru si clovek uploadne kredit a moze s nou cestovat miestnou MHD a platit nou v obchodoch), sim karta a voda. Okolo jednej po obede sme sa konecne pravili do mesta, do casti Central.
Zistila som, ze HK som si v hlave predstavovala viac ako Japonsko (vsade sushi stanky, sklenene mrakodrapy a chery blossoms everywhere -). Realita bola vsak trosku ina: mrakodrapy su tu strasne nahustene, zvacsa betonove, mesto je strasne busy (konecne som pochopila Tanyu, preco bola taka nadsena z tej "relaxed atmosphere of Helsinki"), v uzkych ulickach svieti a blika neuveritelne mnozstvo poulicnych reklam, v uzkych ulickach su stanky s ovocim ake som este ani nevidela (take minimango), masy ludi tu prudia takou rychlostou, ze clovek si tu pripada ako na nejakej zrychlenej planete... proste sialene mesto... pre turistu asi pozotivne sialene.
Po precestovanej noci sme v piatok behali po meste ako uplni zombici. V nejakej velmi zvlastnej jedalni (alebo co to bolo) sme si kupili nudle s curry a sli sme do pristavu, kde sme to v opojeni velmi zvlastnej vone (poviem to na rovinu, pristav v HK smrdi) jedli. Btw.Hong Kong doslova znamena: Hong = fregrance, Kong = harbor - takze atmosfera v miestnom pristave bola velmi menu zodpovedajuca. Po tomto skvelom zazitku sme sa prechadzli po Central, vbehli sme do roznych malickych galerii a nakoniez smeskoncili v europskej kaviarni (trapas, trapas).
Vecer sme sa nakoniec stretlis Christopherom u ktoreho sme couchsurfovali. Sli sme s nim na veceru a kedze sme boli na smert unavene, potom sme sli k nemu. Christopher bol perfektny couchsurfer, ale o tom viacej neskor. Nemam zatal moznost travit vela casu na internete a uploadovat fotky, ale budem sa snazit coskoto napisat a nacitat co najviac....
Friday, the 8th of April we came to HK tired as hell. After buying a sim card and an octopus card (travel card and paying card) at 1pm we arrived to the part of HK called Central. I realised that in my head I have always imagined HK like Japan (sushi, cherry blossoms and glass skyscrapers). However, the reality was completely different: the skyscrapers are usually very dense and built from concerete, the city is really busy (finally I could understand, why Tanya was so impressed by the "relaxed atmosphere of HK"), everywhere there are shining billboards, in the narrow streets there are markets with fruits that I have never ever seen, the crowds of people are moving extremely quickly... crazy city... crazy city....
We bought some curry noodles and went to the harbour to eat them. HK harbour has really strange odour (to behonest, it s quite stinky). Quite ironically, the meaning of the name Hong Kong is Hong = fragrance, Kong = harbour . After the "harbour experience" we took a walk through Central, went to some little galleries and ended up in a European caffee (so lame I know).
In the evening we met with Christopher at whose place we were staying. Christopher is a perfect couchsurfing guy. But about this I will write more later. I have only little opportunity to be on internet and upload photos so everything will come as soon as it will be possible.
But HK... so far so good .))o r... so far so crazy.))
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