nedeľa 17. apríla 2011

A bit more than 24 hours in Singapore

15th of April we arrived to Singapore. My friend Vivien picked us up from the airport. Firstly, we placed our stuff at a couchsurfers (Bob) place. His family welcomed us very warmly. Then, we started our tour through Singapore. We met lot of my exchange friends, one friend of Vivien Reia and the couchsurfer Bob. It was really nice evening. We ate a lot, walked a lot and had a lot of fun:

with Vivien and Bob

2 komentáre:

  1. lula vyzerá jak keby bola na tej fotke pridaná fotošopom :))
    máme písať aj komenty anglicky?
    rozhodla som sa že budem interaktívna a budem strašne komentovať všetko, keď už som follower ;)

  2. jaj, a ešte zavidim že furt jete také šmaky!
