streda 6. apríla 2011

Goodbye Slovakia

Huraaa !!!

Zajtra sa letiii.)
No dnešok bol strašne vyčerpávajúci.
Behačky po auparku s mojou maminou a zháňanie posledných "najdôležitejších" vecí.
Nakoniec som ukončila večer s mojimi kamošmi v cafe St. Germain na Obchodnej ulici, kde sme sa rozlučili. Doteraz som sa ešte balila, chystala foťák a napĺňala ipod.))

Už chcem len postielku a dlhýýý spánok.


Tomorrow we finally flyyy !!
But today was really exhausting. Packing, long shopping with my mum and evening with my friends in cafe St. Germain (it s such a nice place). Till now I ve been finishing the packing, putting songs into my ipod and preparing my camera.

Now I just need my beeeed .))

Here u are, some picks from the cafe:

Bed-hair-day! (I am sorry but today I really did not manage to look as awesome as usually.))

Lula does not like to be in pictures, she prefers to take them (her gallery).

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